вторник, 8 октября 2013 г.

Simple & Comfortable.

Hi guys!  
These couple of weeks have been very intense. School, repetition for the concert, homework, exams, all this takes a lot of time. And finally when I had a day off, my friend and I went to the center for a walk. Despite the fact that it is already October, the weather is still warm. And it is unusually for me at this time to walk without  any outerwear. I definitely like autumn without rain but with sun. Walk down the street and luxuriates in the glow of the warm autumn sun, this is the best that can be. The air is warm and clean, what is why summer is coming in my mind. I miss all of that, miss my summer, sea and the crazy nights, that I spent with my friends. If summer is time for skirts, shorts and T-shirts, autumn is time for large and spacious sweaters, hats and jeans.That is why I with my pleasure want to introduce you my new look. It is very convenient and simple

Привет ребята! 
Эти пару недель были очень напряженными для меня. Школа, репетиции к школьному концерту, домашняя работа, контрольные, все это занимает очень много времени. И когда у меня появился выходной, я со своей подругой поехала в центр, чтобы пройтись и проветрить голову. Несмотря на то, что уже октябрь, погода очень теплая. И для меня очень непривычно ходит по улице без какой либо верхней одежды. Мне нравится такая осень, без дождей, а наоборот с солнцем. Что может быть лучше ходить по улицам Риги и наслаждаться теплыми лучами солнца? 
Это все напомнило мне лето. Вечеринки с друзьями, море и много других приятных воспоминаний. И если лето - это время для юбок, легкий маек и шорт, то осень время свитеров, джинс и шапок. Я с удовольствием хочу вам представить очень удобный и простой комплект, который подойдет на каждый день. 

Hat (Шапка) from Cubus
Scarf (Шарф) from Cubus
Sweater (Свитер) from Bik Bok
Jeans (Джинсы) from Bik Bok
Shoes (Кеды)
I bought in Poland (can not remember where exactly)
  I hope you guys enjoy my look xoxo


Follow me on Twitter and LookBook 


четверг, 19 сентября 2013 г.

My look today

It is gets colder and colder, so you should dress more warmer this days. 
So that's why i have chosen:
Pants  from Zara
Sweater from Zara 
Gold bracelets from H & M
Bag from  Reserved
Boots I bought in Poland in Wojas
  I hope you guys enjoy my look xoxo

Time to go to the beach.

Just relax ;) 

 Who says you can not go to the sea in autumn? Nobody.
Today was amazing day. I with my friend after school went to the sea. Weather was really great, the sun, the sea, the beach and of course my camera. I finally was able to take a break from school and from my problems. I do not know why, but at the sea I dissolve in this wonderful, clean air and I feel like I'm in another world. Do you feel the same at the sea? 
 I hope you guys enjoy my news. xoxo


Autumn sadness

Hi guys!

Had no time to to write something, because the school started and I forgot about this blog.
In my country in the school we have 12 years education .Can you imagine for 12 years I go at the same place five days in a week. I want to tell you it is very sad and also it is really boring to me and to all my classmates. We are dying in the school. 
Here you can watch some pictures with me and my classmates.
have a nice school year xoxo 
 To find out more, follow me on twitter

понедельник, 22 июля 2013 г.

Rainy day...

   Rain again...this nasty rain...he has been going about for 4 days..and that's killing me...
   I unsuccessfully beg him to stop, but he does not listen. I think most people hate this weather, very wet, puddles everywhere, cold and you can not get dressed easier. No skirts, shorts and dresses! ;(
   But, today, despite the weather, I got out with my friends, we went to see a movie called "The Bling Ring".

  I will say a few words about the movie, to be honest, I went there only because of Emma Watson. For me she will always stay like Hermione, even after movie, where she smoking, drinking and take drugs. 
   And the movie is about how young people how wants beautiful and rich life, wants to move to celebrities, so stealing their things. I think that after this movie will increase the level of theft, because everyone wants to live like a celebrities.

   Дождь…опять это гадкий дождь…он идет уже около 4 дней…все капает и капает.
   Я безуспешно прошу его прекратить, а он не слушает. Я думаю, что большинство людей не переносят такую погоду, очень влажно, везде лужи, холодно и одеться полегче нельзя.  
   Но, сегодня не смотря на погоду, я с подругами выбралась из дома, поехали смотреть фильм, на который хотели сходить уже давно называется "Элитное общество". 

   Скажу пару слов о фильме, если честно, то я туда шла только из-за Эммы.  Она для меня всегда останется Гермионой  даже после фильма, где она курить, пьет и употребляет наркотики.    
   А сам фильм о том, как молодёжь хотела красивой и богатой жизни, хотели приблизиться к знаменитостям, поэтому воровали их вещи. Думаю, что после этого фильма уровень краж возрастет, ведь все хотят затовариться на халявушку.

   We also want to stay a little rich and bought water with vitamins ...I do not know maybe there is something special!? Maybe not!? The taste is delicious, but the price it is not cheap, in dollars this is about 2.50$ , I don't know about you, but I think it's a bit too much for water. What do you think about it? 
I hope you guys enjoy my news. xoxo

    Мы тоже немного захотели побыть богачами и купили воду с витаминами... не знаю, есть ли в ней, что то особенное?! На вкус вкусная, но и цена у нее не из дешевых в долларах это примерно 2.50$, не знаю, как вы, но я считаю, что это многовато для воды. Как считаете? 

среда, 3 июля 2013 г.

Design of my nails.

Every girl paints her nails. Someone paints only on special days, but some people like me cannot imagine life without painted nails.
For example I always try to come up with some new designs, which would be more interesting and also easy to draw.
I offer you a picture which shows the look of my nails today. Certainly it looks not perfect, but I like it, plus it's very easy to draw!
   I hope you guys enjoy this. xoxo 

  To find out more, follow me on twitter

Summer Sale!!!


   Every sensible person wants to wear nice clothes, but do not pay too much. Now it's possible!
I want to tell you about one of my favorite sites. It is romwe.com! If you've heard about it, then you should just go on the link next to the picture. If you have not heard, read a few words about this site. 
   On this site you can find clothes for any taste. No matter what your style is, you still will be able to find something for yourself. And also you can discover something new and interesting. Also on this site you will be able to buy the latest trends of all seasons. It is very fast and convenient! The big plus of this site in the free and fast shipping! You do not have things from Romwe yet? What are you waiting for? Go to this site and buy, because the summer is not over yet!

  PLUS you will appreciate my next news. Romwe made ​​a summer sale. Click on this link and enjoy your shopping! Do not miss your chance to SAVE! The offer will be valid ONLY 7 DAYS. (from 1 to 7 July)  Details you can get on the picture beside or on the site
Romwe also has a twitter, where you can read about new offers, promotions and free gifts

 I hope you guys enjoy this news. xoxo